Tag Archives: wino


This is the kind of place that inspires you to blog and spread the word.  It’s a culinary adventure! We were recommended Epocha by ma soeur, and while we were in the area (going to IMAX at the Exhibition Building no less) we thought it was a good opportunity to have a taste…

2013-05-21 21.14.05

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Chin Chin

All of my previous blog posts have been a mere warmup to this point. Now we get down to business, finding and sharing with you: the best food , the best restaurant and dining experiences, the best value for money and (of course) all the places that you want to avoid if you’re after any of the above – in Melbourne.

A bit dramatic? Probably.

But Chin Chin definitely deserves it.

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meals from the Melbourne metropolis

Good Afternoon, dearest Reader.

When I was a little girl, I used to have to be coaxed to eat my food. I admit to hating cooked carrots (a la Christopher Robin) and later on, to avoiding assembling anything in the kitchen at all cost. Mainly because of the dishes factor. If I wasn’t a ‘winner’ (which, hey, if you had to eat as much food as the Russian side of the family put on your plate, you’d feel like a winner too if you actually finished), then I couldn’t have my ‘treats’ (usually something involving custard…delicious).

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